Underground Ministries

Dear Friends,

We were treated to an amazing experience on Sunday getting to hear a bit from our OPOP (One Prisoner One Parish) team. On top of that we got to hear a bit about Underground Ministries. If you feel a tug to get involved, you can connect with Underground Ministries at their website.

You can support them financially here.

You can support them just by buying the coffee they produce: It comes to your house once a month- so good and supports a good cause!!

As they said, they have allowed us to start up a new OPOP team, which is truly an honor. Are you interested, here is a basic look at what they do. If you are interested, give me a holler.


As well, I mentioned on Sunday that Phillip, the person we were connected to with OPOP, is starting up his own Car Detailing Business. Phillip has years of experience and I can affirm that he does a great job- here are the details from Phillip himself…

Dear Members of First Presbyterian of Bellingham,

I am writing to announce the launch of my new detailing business, Top Notch Detail, and to offer my services to you at a discounted rate. As members of this community, I am excited to extend this offer to you first. For a limited time, I am offering a full Detail including a Machine polish with a UV protectant sealant for the discounted rate of $200. This service is valued at $400 and includes steam cleaning and extraction of all upholstery and carpets, removal of stains and odors, and cleaning of air vents and ducts to remove dust, dirt, and allergens. In addition to this offer, I would also like to extend my services to our valued elderly seniors at a rate that is within their budget. They will pay what they are able to pay, and I am happy to work with them to ensure their vehicles are cleaned and sanitized. It Is important to note that the Detail process kills the coronavirus, which can survive on the interior surfaces of a vehicle. By having your vehicle detailed, you can help protect yourself and your loved ones from this dangerous virus.

I am excited to offer my services to you and look forward to hearing from you soon. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment. The service is mobile; I come to you!

Phillip Krist
360 643 0279

I encourage you to give Phillip’s business a try.

We have a busy next few weeks!

May 21 Congregational Meeting

Here is the meeting agenda. Our hope is that we will be able to run through the votes quickly, so please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about these votes.


Pentecost Sunday is coming up in two Sundays on May 28th. We will be worshipping together at Cordata Presbyterian Church. This is always a high point of the year. This year we welcome our friends at Mending Wings so it is doubly special. Come and join the fun!

We still need one family to host some of the dancers, and a crowd of folks to make cookies, usher, and generally help out. See and sign up for current needs on the Sign Up Genius.

Rev. Doug Bunnell


Don’t Miss the Victory in Your Failure


Who am I to think that I can stand in God’s way?