FPC Youth Mission Statement
To provide youth a safe space built on connection, belonging, and stability that invites them to pursue a relationship with Christ.
Foundationally support this by:
➤ Creating secure and consistent relationships with supportive adults and other youth that builds a sense of belonging and community
➤ Engaging in meaningful and open conversations about faith, religion, church, God, theology, culture, etc.
➤ Providing intentional spiritual formation (“learning the way of Christ”) as supported by scripture and Christian tradition, reflection on personal experience, prayer, and opportunities for service and advocacy
➤ Affirming the belovedness of all people, regardless of race, disability, ethnic background, religion, gender, or sexuality
Youth are encouraged to stay and participate in Sunday services.
Small Groups
Small groups for middle school and high school students meet twice a month. For questions or more information,
please contact the Youth Coordinator.