FPC values the integration of children and youth into our worship and congregational life. All ages start together in worship on Sunday mornings. Children, 5th grade and younger are dismissed to continue their worship in our children’s programs about ⅓ of the way through the service.
Toddlers - 3 yr old
Where Toddlers discover their connection to God's family through loving welcome, play and a brief circle time of story, song and prayer.
Toddlers are welcome in the classroom beginning at 9:50. An unstaffed, equipped nursery is also available downstairs for parents to change diapers and settle babies.
Preschool - 3rd Grade
Where children engage with God's story and God's family through listening, wonder and play.
Godly Play curriculum encourages children to engage with God through scripture, story, wonder, silence, creativity and play within the framework of our hope in Jesus Christ. We hope you and your children will find that this program draws them into scripture, the fullness of Jesus, and the practices of the Christian faith.
4th + 5th Grade
Where we ask big questions and grow in understanding of how they are "linked in" with God, one another and the beloved community.
The Link kids are invited to share the “good, bad and weird” of their weeks with one another. This is the beginning of the Prayer of Examen practice taught by Ignatius. In this practice they learn to pay attention to their lives and where God may be sparking something. This practice also encourages a community of care.
4th + 5th graders will start the school year by learning about the Bible, how it came to us through the centuries and how it speaks God’s word across generations. In the Spring, they organize their own service project.
What to expect on Sunday Mornings
Children begin in worship with the congregation, sitting with their families, until they are dismissed. Then they move downstairs.
All ages sing together in the Fellowship Hall before dispersing to their designated classrooms.
At their classroom door, the children are greeted individually by a doorkeeper and asked, “Are you ready for Godly Play?”
Being “ready” for Godly Play means that they are calm and ready to listen and respect the community of children and teachers.
When the service is over, parents will pick their children up directly from their classrooms.
What to expect during Godly Play
Gathering: As children enter the room, they are invited by the storyteller to sit in a circle.
Opening Prayer: Once all the children are gathered, the storyteller leads the group in an opening prayer or song to get the children “ready” as a community.
Hearing the Word: The children listen as the storyteller tells a story from scripture or a story that explains part of our Christian practice – like the church year, baptism or communion.
Response: The children are invited to respond to the story through wondering and their choice of art or play.
Feast: After cleaning up, the children gather in the circle and share a “feast” (a simple snack).
Blessing/Sending: As parents come to the door, the children are sent out with a blessing.
Godly Play terms
Are you ready? Used to help children settle and orient themselves to God and the community.
I wonder: After the story, the children are asked open-ended, wondering questions designed to invite them to think personally and deeply about the story.
Feast: The feast is not about what we eat but about who we eat it with.
Storyteller: Tells the story and guides the children’s behavior and wondering.
Doorkeeper: Greets the children, assists with the response materials, serves the feast and dismisses the children to their parents.
More Resources
FPC Story Hour
Mondays at 7pm on Zoom, all ages.
We’ve read The Chronicles of Narnia, A Wrinkle in Time, Charlotte’s Web, The Phantom Tollbooth, The Secret Garden, and more. A lovely intergenerational gathering!
Rachel’s Newsletter
Communion Resources
On the first Sunday of each month, children are invited to participate in Communion with the congregation.