There are many places where you can use your interests and talents to support the church and community. Below is a list of opportunities to check out. You can also fill out our eConnect Card to get connected within other areas.
Our Children’s Department can always use more volunteers to help take care of and mentor kids on Sunday mornings. There are a variety of ways you can volunteer – contact Kerrie to see what the best fit will be for you.
Friendly people are needed to help usher and greet every few weeks at Sunday morning worship services. Connect with Alissa for more information.
Making sure people can hear well and see content are two ways we do our best to communicate on a Sunday morning – come learn the ropes and share your time by volunteering with our A/V team! We have a rotating schedule for which you can volunteer for as little as a few times a year, or as often as every couple weeks! Email if you have further questions, or to sign up! No experience required – curiosity and dependability preferred.
A delivered meal or a home baked treat can offer comfort and support in simple but significant ways. Meal Trains are set up for all kinds of needs. Home baked treats provide refreshment during memorial services and as part of our School Partnership. Contact Alissa to receive our Meal Train notices or receive notices for baking needs.
Would you, your family, or your small group be willing to “adopt a flower bed” at FPC? We are looking for people to help keep the landscape tidy, plant as needed (plants provided by the church), and weed. Many hands make light work! We are also looking for people who would be willing to loan out their pick-up truck for church-related tasks, and people who could shovel snow when needed early Sunday mornings in the winter. If you could be on call for any of these volunteer opportunities, please contact us!
We are always in need of more volunteers to serve Café Pres after our Sunday morning worship services. Training and food is provided – we just need to the servers to prepare, set it out, and clean up afterwards. Contact Alissa if you’re interested in learning more!
An ongoing scholarship fundraiser. Gifts from the kitchens and gardens of FPC friends are available downstairs for donation to the FPC scholarship fund. Handmade gifts from your kitchen, garden or craft room are welcome and appreciated!
If you would like to contribute, please follow these simple guidelines:
• Pleasingly package your item as a gift.
• Label your baked or cooked item with ingredients,
paying special attention to allergens.
• If your donation was especially time-consuming or costly -
you are welcome to include a label that says:
"hours of love/care poured into this item:"
• Contribute gift wrapped items any Sunday by placing them
on the Gifts for Table table.