Sharing our living faith in Jesus with those who we share community with.
The YWCA Bellingham is part of a national network of programs with the shared mission of ending racism, empowering women, and promoting peace justice, and freedom for all.
The YWCA Women’s housing programs include shelter, transitional housing, and senior women’s housing. FPC partners with the YWCA to provide temporary housing.
Shuksan Middle School Partnership
Invited by Bellingham Public Schools into a partnership with a local school, FPC partners with Shuksan Middle School by supporting staff and school projects as directed by the school administration.
Each school year, our goal is to raise $4,000 to support the school.
Each month we fill the Shuksan staff room with treats and baked goods.
We support students by supplying prizes, hot cocoa and volunteer cheers for the annual Turkey Trot.
We support staff by purchasing staff sweatshirts and making Teacher Appreciation Week special.
Extra funds raised will be used in collaboration with the Principal to support Shuksan staff, students and their families.
Select “FPC/Shuksan Partnership Fund” from the drop down.
One Parish One Prisoner
"Underground Ministries opens new relationships of embrace and trust between gang-affected prisoners and our communities to which they return, for our mutual transformation and resurrection."
FPC participates in One Prisoner, One Parish program to build relationship and support an incarcerated brother or sister as they prepare for and transition out of prison.
Click here to read about this ministry in their newsletter.
Lighthouse Mission works throughout Whatcom County to break the cycle of homelessness in the lives of people experiencing it. Those in need can come to the Mission for nutritious meals, safe shelter, and one-on-one case management.
Interfaith Coalition is a community of many faiths working together to eliminate homelessness and poverty in Whatcom County. They collaborate to fill gaps in human services and to meet housing and other needs of marginalized people.