Jesus said that the Father, because He loves us, invites us to ask for everything we need. We have found God to be very responsive!
We are inviting our entire church community to pray every day at 7am and 7pm, as a spiritual practice.
You can join in prayer with us at 7am on Zoom for our Wednesday Morning Prayer Room.
We also have a weekly Prayer Vine which serves to lift up the concerns of our FPC community. On Thursdays, a typed Prayer Vine is e-mailed or USPS-mailed to those desiring to commit to joining us in prayer for these specific requests. If you are interested in having the Prayer Vine delivered to you, please contact us at prayervine@fpcbellingham.org.
Prayer Requests
You can give your name for a prayer request or make your request anonymous.
We respect people’s privacy. If you would like prayer for another person, you must ask their permission to be put in the Prayer Vine first. If you have not asked permission and the person is not part of our church, we can pray for them by first name, since no one knows them. We can always pray for people anonymously. Use good judgment so we don’t embarrass anyone.
Prayer requests must be received by 2pm Wednesday to be included in the Prayer Vine that is distributed that week. Anything received later will go in the next weeks edition as appropriate.
If you have a prayer request you would like to submit, you can do it several different ways:
E-mail your request to prayervine@fpcbellingham.org.
Fill out a Care card from the pew rack and place it in the offering, or drop it in the suggestion box in the Lobby.
Phone the church at (360) 734-5510 and leave your message.
Fill out the form on this page.