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Text: Luke 5:27-39
Theme: Jesus is the new wine that challenges norms and is not welcomed by the old guard. Take Jesus seriously and nothing else.
Why do you think Jesus chose Levi (a tax collector) to be one of His disciples?
Why do the Pharisees and teachers of the law criticize Jesus for eating with tax collectors and sinners?
How does the idea of Jesus being a "physician" for sinners challenge our understanding of who can come to Jesus
How does the imagery of a wedding feast help us understand the nature of Jesus’ ministry and His presence with His followers?
What does the statement, "No one after drinking old wine wants the new, for they say, 'The old is better,'" reveal about human resistance to change?
In what ways do you, or might you, identify with the Pharisees’ attitudes toward sinners and outcasts? How can you move past this mindset?
Are there areas of your life that feel like “old wineskins” that might need to be transformed to receive something new from God?
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