
Gathering for weekly worship happens in three ways:
In person, Zoom, and livestream.

Use the below links to access online resources.

We can’t wait to connect with you!

Text: Mark 1:1-14

Theme: Jesus begins his ministry in acceptance and moves then into fruitfulness.


• What do you notice in verse 1:1? How does it form the path of what is to come?

• What do you notice about John the Baptist?

• What are the key elements of Jesus’ baptism?

• What are the elements of what God says to Jesus?

•Can you hear those words said to you?

• The Spirit’s next act is to drive Jesus into the wilderness where he was tempted. How do we receive that hard news?

  • Watch starting at 9:50 am on Sundays, or anytime after on our YouTube channel.

  • Connect with our virtual community, watching the live service together via Zoom. Join at 9:45am Sundays to chat before, or visit after!

  • Access both current and past worship programs and bulletins. Don’t miss weekly announcements and events!

  • Pray together online, in person, and individually.

  • Participate by donating towards our ministries.

  • Get connected with our community by signing into our Church Center app.